Halo 5 – Whole House Water Filtration


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We are always looking for opportunities to provide our customers with the best quality equipment. We were fortunate to have the CEO of Halo Water Systems come in and present us with the HALO 5 – Whole House Water Filtration system. Wow! We were completely blown away by what we witnessed. As a family owned company, we are always looking for the best way to keep our family safe and healthy. We were shocked to learn most tap water has more chlorine than a swimming pool.

Did you know we are bathing in chlorine water? Did you know we are washing clothes and dishes with chlorine water, not to mention pesticides and various heavy metals?

We watched a live demo of our tap water convert from chlorine chemical filled water to clean water. How? We placed our hands in a cup of our tap water for a couple minutes and then retested the water. Our skin had completely absorbed the chlorine as well as the other metals floating in our water. Incredible! Our skin is our largest organ in the body, and it had absorbed everything and converted into a filter. While that was an interesting experiment, we certainly do not want to use our body as a filter. So, what can we do to combat that in the most economical and eco-friendly way? The HALO5! The HALO 5 System handles water filtration, purification, and conditioning needs in a single installation. How does the HALO5 work? It uses a 5-stage filtration system:


HALO 5 – Whole House Water Filtration System; make sure all the water in your property is completely free of pollutants and contaminants.

Stage 1 Granular Activated Carbon: This carbon will remove pesticides, unpleasant odors, volatile organic compounds, fuels, heavy metals, and most of the particles that an effective filter will stop.

Stage 2 Centaur High Activity Carbon: Helps remove chlorine to eliminate bad taste in water. Also balances pH levels.

Stage 3 Filter–AG Plus: A media with a large surface area that will remove particles down to 5 microns in size and take away turbidity “Cloudiness” from the water.

Stage 4 High-Density Garnet Filter Media: This granular filtration media targets to 10– 20-micron range.

Stage 5 HALO ION Inline Water Conditioner: This technology alters the structure of positively and negatively charges ions of hard water minerals, helping to soften the water. Which helps prevent corrosion due to scale and will dissolve existing scale over time.

The HALO5, solves your hard water and chlorine problems. Even better it also uses 30% less water during backwash compared to standard filtration tanks and is maintenance–free. NO filters to purchase! The HALO 5 is eco–friendly and uses no chemicals in the process of filtering water. The HALO5 eliminates the need to purchase bottled water, as it cleans and even improves the taste of your water. Imagine how much you can save every year by not having to buy bottled water! The HALO5 can also help prolong the life of your appliances, since the HALO5 reduces existing scale buildup as well as prevents future scaly deposits. It helps ensure that your appliances remain clean and scale-free. The fact that it prevents scale buildup and corrosion in your pipes is great for your water heater. Adding years to your water heater’s life and reducing the maintenance needs. To learn even more, visit our HALO5 whole house water filtration system product service page..

We look forward to installing a HALO5 in your home!

Call us anytime at (310)743-3915
We offer free estimates.

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